Hints for viewing the photo books
When you click on an image of the cover of one of the photo books, it opens in a different tab in Scroll Mode. Using a computer, you can scroll with the wheel of a mouse or by using the scroll bar. In Scroll Mode, the up arrow on the bottom right of the screen takes you back to the cover page. 
If the text is small, click on it. Now the display of text and images is larger and  navigation is done using the arrows that appear when you move the pointer to the left or right of the image. To return to Scroll Mode, click on the x that appears above the top right portion of the images. 
Note: Three tabs are open: Facebook, my website, and the photo book. To sample a different book, close the photo book tab and view the options on my website in the second tab. To return to Facebook, close my website tab. To leave Facebook, get instructions on how to do so from Donald Trump.  
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